Create a small business?

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What to do before starting your  business  Trading   ?

Under certain conditions, anyone of French nationality can set up a business Trading. However, the procedure is often long so it can be interesting to participate in training in business creation . This gives the possibility of knowing how to create a company in France and thus to ensure the management of the company .

Indeed, many of them do not survive their first year of activity due to a lack of resources or the adoption of a bad strategy. To remedy such a situation, here are some tips to ensure the sustainability of your project  :

Make sure the passion behind your idea is framed by a sensible strategy;

Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses before setting up your company. If necessary, fill your gaps with appropriate training or competent third parties;

How to start a small business Trading .

Creating a small company ( a brand , a business service company , a private security company , a clothing store ) first requires finding an idea to develop.

Step 1: How to find an idea to develop?

In order to find a business idea, you can base yourself on:

Indeed, testing the reliability of your project is essential before launching. Concretely, this means putting yourself in the shoes of an investor and asking yourself, as honestly as possible, the same questions as him, such as:

“Does the fixed idea meet a specific need? » ;

In the event that this project only encounters favorable answers to the above questions, the next step for this small business would be to conduct market research .

Step 3: Do market research

This phase is essential since it allows to define the bases of the project , in particular its feasibility. Indeed, it is during this stage that the entrepreneur defines the strengths and weaknesses of his project.

Not only does it set the assumptions on the idea of ​​creation , but in addition, it previews its turnover. To tell the truth, he projects himself in the realization of his idea.

Step 4: Establish a business Trading   plan.?

The business plan is an important document. It is thanks to him that it is possible to obtain financing from investors . In particular, it is drafted in such a way as to take account of:

Step 5: Seek funding

Like a larger corporation, a small business  trading requires seed funding .

There are 4 types:

Internal  : it consists of bringing together the contributions of the partners  ;

External  : it can be obtained through crowdfunding  ;

Banking  : these are loans or credits  ;

Governmental : includes state aid (ACRE, NACRE, etc.).

Step 6: The final steps

To start a small business Trading, you will then need to:

Register the small business : registration is done with the competent CFE and will allow it to appear on the official registers corresponding to its activity (RCS, RM, RNE, special directory for commercial agents, specific directory for liberal professions).

🔎 Zoom : Also, when you want to start your business Trading, a number of formalities must be met. In order to simplify your steps and avoid any errors, LegalPlace offers its help to accompany you in the process of creating your small business ! This solution will allow you to focus exclusively on launching your business.

Which legal status to adopt?

The entrepreneur must choose which legal form is best suited to his project.

To make such a choice, it is necessary to analyze these statutes to know their advantages and disadvantages .


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