631 ViewsIf the balance sheet is carried out each year for the annual accounts, allowing to give a photograph of the assets of the company at a time T, the functional balance sheet has another…

631 ViewsIf the balance sheet is carried out each year for the annual accounts, allowing to give a photograph of the assets of the company at a time T, the functional balance sheet has another…
559 ViewsFinancial results: forget them, only price fluctuations count Dassault is finally exporting its Rafale, Renault is going up the slope… “Good news, prices will go up”, conclude savvy savers. On the other hand, speculators,…
877 ViewsA business creation project requires having an idea, a particular desire to create something. There are several ways to find an idea: through your job: this is surely the sector that you know best…
663 ViewsWhat to do before starting your business Trading ? Under certain conditions, anyone of French nationality can set up a business Trading. However, the procedure is often long so it can be interesting to participate…
693 ViewsSTEP 1: Find a business idea It is important not to go headlong! Many people will no doubt tell you that knowing how to start a business is innate, and that some of us…
775 Views The creation of a company is a project that requires preparation, important decisions must be made. To set up a business creation project, it is necessary to proceed in stages but it is…